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  • Writer's pictureRobert A. Silva

LA's Xavier Becerra to be Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS)

Hey folks,

Just thought I'd share an interesting article from the Boulevard Sentinel.

President-elect Joe Biden has selected LA's Xavier Becerra to be the Secretary of Health and Human Services.

Becerra, currently the California attorney general, made his name in national politics as the Member of Congress for districts that include NELA. During his 12 terms in Congress (1993-2017), he became the highest ranking Latino in the U.S. House of Representatives where his posts included chairing the House Democratic Caucus and serving on the powerful Ways and Means committee.

In Congress, Becerra stood for values and policies that reflect NELA’s progressive bent, including immigration reform, gay marriage, strengthening Social Security and opposing tax cuts for the rich. As California attorney general, he led the legal fights against Trump-era health, immigration and environmental policies.

For more info, please read the full article at the Boulevard Sentinel.


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